About Me

On 4 January 2010 I pledged to get slimmer, fitter and healthier. My journey has so far being bumpy, so bumpy in fact that I derailed in March, got back on track in June and have now just completed my first 12 week programme of working out and eating healthily. I have so far lost 9 pounds and am steadily working towards my goal to lose the grand total of 21 pounds. However, a strange thing happened during the 12 week programme: I started enjoying working out. I realised that I actually love to sweat and I am pretty good at it! I kick @ss in the gym and I check myself out in the mirror while I work. Oh yes, I am a warrior, waging war against each and every excess pound!

Sunday 25 April 2010

Round 2

I think it's safe to say that I have been conspicuous by my absence.I fell off the wagon big time after I got back from Sri Lanka. I am totally ashamed to say that I not only fell of the wagon spectacularly but I also regained the 8lbs I had lost. I want t cry just thinking about it but I mustn't because rule #1 of my journey to my SFH me was that I would fall off the wagon but I would find my way again.

To learn from this, I think I fell off the wagon because:

1. I thought to myself "I have lost 8lbs, relax!"
2. I got lazy
3. I stopped keeping up my food diary
4. I started listening to the tiny voice in my head that demanded more sleep and the snooze button when my alarm went off to go to the gym
5. I started drinking majorly
6. I stopped visualising my slim, fit and healthy me
7. My short term goal passed and i didn't set myself a new goal.

I will be the comeback kid and to ensure that I do not fall foul to the above, I will do the following:

1. I will not weigh myself until 1 June. That way, I will not get overly excited about weight loss and just focus on keeping on eating well and exercising
2. I will remind myself that laziness leads to me feeling fat, lethargic and unhappy
3. I will record my food EVERYDAY
4. I will banish the little voice that demands extra sleep by visualising my SFHM
5. I will cut down on the booze to just a couple of glasses a week
6. I will visualise, visualise, visualise!!
7. I have a short term goal of 1 June to do the unthinkable - change my diet and exercise regime, ready to face the summer and set another goal for my birthday - August.

I went to pump on Thursday and Spin/Circuits on Friday. Lets just say my body knows that it hasn't exercised in a while and is in pure agony. I am literally in a world of pain. I also pulled something in my neck during Circuits trying to please the instructor who kept telling me I wasn't trying hard enough. I actually didn't enjoy that class if I'm honest. I felt like I was being chided (as opposed to being pushed) by the instructor even though I had made the effort to leave my house at 6.30 a.m. to get to that class for the second time in 6 weeks. Oh well, if I'm still not happy with the instructor after this week I won't go again and find other classes. Hmph!