About Me

On 4 January 2010 I pledged to get slimmer, fitter and healthier. My journey has so far being bumpy, so bumpy in fact that I derailed in March, got back on track in June and have now just completed my first 12 week programme of working out and eating healthily. I have so far lost 9 pounds and am steadily working towards my goal to lose the grand total of 21 pounds. However, a strange thing happened during the 12 week programme: I started enjoying working out. I realised that I actually love to sweat and I am pretty good at it! I kick @ss in the gym and I check myself out in the mirror while I work. Oh yes, I am a warrior, waging war against each and every excess pound!

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Day 3 of the Shred

I don't know if it's in my head or if it's because I'm sick but I'm finding the Shred is getting harder, not easier! I only got round to popping the DVD in at 6.30 pm, the lazy girl that I am. I have achieved the following today: watched Eclipse, trawled about on the internet and napped. I really am making the most of my sick leave! I'm back at work tomorrow so I will have to do the workout in the evening again. I'm about to have a small dinner of tomato and basil soup as today is a low calorie day.

Oooh, before I forget, I have lost 2 pounds since Monday! That puts me back at my pre-holiday weight of 140 pounds. I'm pretty pleased that it only took a week to get rid of those 4 pesky holiday pounds. Weigh in day is Monday so I'll be even more chuffed if I have lost a bit more. Now, I must not weigh myself again until then. I'm telling you, buying my own set of scales was the worst thing I ever did, I was much better off just using the gym scales!

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