About Me

On 4 January 2010 I pledged to get slimmer, fitter and healthier. My journey has so far being bumpy, so bumpy in fact that I derailed in March, got back on track in June and have now just completed my first 12 week programme of working out and eating healthily. I have so far lost 9 pounds and am steadily working towards my goal to lose the grand total of 21 pounds. However, a strange thing happened during the 12 week programme: I started enjoying working out. I realised that I actually love to sweat and I am pretty good at it! I kick @ss in the gym and I check myself out in the mirror while I work. Oh yes, I am a warrior, waging war against each and every excess pound!

Friday 8 January 2010

Gym Bunny

Morning Morning!

I bit the bullet and joined the gym last night. I borrowed money from my sister to cover the fees because although I'm skint, I really didn't want to wait until payday. In any case, my firm will reimburse the fees to me in a couple of days.

I went to my first ever spin/circuit class at 7.30 this morning, despite the ice. All I can say is that 15 minutes into the class I was seriously considering my sanity in going and convinced I wouldn't make it through the class. I don't know how anybody does it! I had to skip a few of the high resistance and speed intervals as my knees were hurting and, well, I just couldn't cut it. Circuit afterwards was a nice break too. Although it was hellish at the time, I will go back on Monday morning and make it my goal to do the entire clase - I can only get better! Next week I have a one to one session with a personal trainer to take me through a resistance and HIIT routine I can follow - very excited! Not sure when I will be able to do the exercises though as there are classes every morning I would like to go to in addition to swimming. Spin on Monday, Pilates/Swimming on Tuesday, Abs/Back on Weds, Body Pump on Thurs and Spin/Circuit on Fri. I know I need to incorporate rest days between the gym but hopefully the fact that I'm doing something different every day and nothing at the weekend will mean I am okay. I'll raise this with the PT.

Prior to bed last night I packed my gym bag and set out my work clothes to make getting up early easier. I even packed a swimsuit so I would have something else to do if my class was cancelled because of low turnout. I was fresh as a daisy this morning! It might have had something to do with my new alarm clock ring tone. It was giving me a heart attack every morning so I decided to change it to a mellow jazz tune. It was so mellow that for a while I was convinced I had added a soundtrack to my dreams before realising it was the alarm clock.

Remember in my last post I mentioned that I had weighed myself on my new house scales and hit 11 stone? Well, I weighed myself again last night when I was at the gym and I am exactly 10 st 7 as I had thought! A bit of a relief but it does mean I can't record a miraculous 7 pound weight loss next week ;)

I stopped by Itsu again on the way home last night. I am officially addicted to Itsu. I cannot get enough of their vegetable dumplings! It is just a pure miracle that they are healthy and I can incorporate them into my daily allowance. Whilst I was in there last night I also spotted that they do healthy popcorn which comes in at around 90 calories and low fat! They also do frozen yogurt that's low cal! I am officially in food heaven!!!

Overall I am feeling euphoric that I hit the gym this morning and that I have eaten well all week. I am, however, occasionally suffering from headaches. Not sure if it's just my body reacting to my new, healthier diet or if its even my contact lenses. Hopefully it will pass. I have also been thinking about incorporating "cheat meals" into my week. I don't want my body to get used to never eating an unhealthy meal as it will probably be easier to re-gain weight when I do occasionally indulge. I'm aiming for being 80% good and 20% naughty however it might be too early to start incorporating cheats???

I tend to find eating healthily at weekends difficult so I will have to plan my meals before bed tonight.

Finally, I have decided that Thursdays will be weigh-in days at the gym with the following Thursday being a measurement day. I am so far on track so here's to making show I stay that way!

S: Banana
B: 33g Shredded Wheat with skimmed milk
S: Red apple
L: Steamed Hoki fish with beetroot, spring onions and 3 bean salad
S: Vanilla Muller Light
D: 2 egg Omelette with bacon, chicken, spring onions and 50g of cheese (DELICIOUS!!)

Total Calories: 1,464
Carbs: 135
Fat: 42
Protein: 122

7 Glasses

Exercise: 7.30 am spin class

The banana was suppose to give me some energy before the spin class and it worked. I decided to use my exercise calories and get steamed fish for lunch (delish!!) and an omelette (beyond delish!). I was a bit annoyed with myself though because I felt guilty about eating the exercise calories.

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